This is the second post which details my experience of
spending some time with the HOW2 team for a couple of days last month. If I was to describe what they do in a sentence, I would say;
"HOW2 develops 'Classroom Ready' Infographics for
Educators' Professional Development”
As the founders’ story unfolded through sitting in on
their strategy meetings, listening to the anecdotes at meal times and one-on-one
conversations, I saw similarities with the background of HOW2 and "Work
Hard. Be Nice." which is Jay Mathews’s book about the KIPP schools and the
founders' story.
This post details how the HOW2 Team have “Worked Hard
at Being Nice" to educators with their innovative Professional Development
(PD) visual guides.
This startup idea was conceived while the founders
where transforming a special school. One of the tools in their tool kit for
achieving this was a massive amount of empathy and support for their staff.
Their passion for good PD and the desire to support
the wider educator community with good PD became so strong that it led to them
leaving the safety of classroom to head for the less certain startup land.
Here's how and why the founders came to identify that
there was a need for what would eventually become "HOW2" and their
visual demonstrations of teaching techniques.
The Happy Hippy
Teacher… Popular, But Rubbish
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Read the Weird Teacher's book? Here's the Happy Hippy Teachers |
The first I hear about the origins of HOW2 is
Co-Founder Oliver Caviglioli's hilarious, humble and self depreciating
“I was a happy hippy
teacher who was popular… But useless”
Not content with the "useless" bit, he went
looking for good PD to help improve his teaching, but couldn't find anything
that was useful.
Straight away this reminds me of the introduction of
Jay Mathews’s “Work Hard. Be Nice,” and how KIPP Founders Mike Feinberg and
Dave Levin had grand plans to inspire a generation as young teachers but came to the realization
that they were… well, “a bit rubbish” at teaching.
What changed this and what kept the young KIPP
teachers in the teaching profession was the steady hand of an experienced
teacher and mentor, the awe inspiring Harriett Ball.
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Harriett Ball mentored & inspired the KIPP Founders ... And her students... And other teachers.. And, well Everyone really! |
There was no Harriett Ball in Oliver’s school, and
every method of PD that was available, he felt was... well, "a bit rubbish."
Every solution had their strengths, but it also had its flaws.
Work Hard. Read Lots… And Question Everything!
So Oliver undertook a voyage of PD discovery that has
lasted a lifetime. He is extremely knowledgeable about the various teaching
techniques, methods and models. He also searched for personal and professional
development outside the world of education (for more information on this in a future post).
There were all kinds of academic research some of
which was accurate and has stood the test of time, others which were nothing
more than fads based on the science of "hokum" (And they say EdTech
sales people are like snake oil peddlers! Lol).
I think that Donald Clark highlights this extremely
well in his presentation:
It's Not Just the EdTech that can be "A Bit Rubbish" Check Donald Clark's 2,000 Years of Learning Theory |
As Clark highlights, some of these models were not as
effective as educators, policy makers and researchers first thought.
The research clearly worked, as Oliver did enough to
survive the classroom. He even did a good enough job to bag the top job.
Walking the Walk Vs Dead Man Walking?
I believe what the HOW2 Founders partnership when
working as Head and Deputy Head is similar with the results (and methods) the
KIPP Founders achieve in their schools.
Dear reader, I am bursting to tell you the details of this
story… but that’s a post in itself. What I will say, though, is this. If you:
- Are
a change agent
- Understand
the role that physical space plays in facilitating change
- Appreciate
the importance of culture
This will be a right riveting read! I'm not sure if
I'll be picking up this story in my blog, or if someone more experienced like
Jay Mathews will want to tell it... But, if no one else does, I'd be honoured
to give it a go!
The children had severe and complex learning
difficulties and associated medical conditions that made a comprehensive care
regime a necessity AND given the fact that there were no carpets in corridors
or classrooms, there was no curriculum as such beyond that of a 1970s
behavioural checklist. And resources and associated knowledge that might
support a more modern approach seemed limited. It is perhaps no surprise
that, HOW2 co-founder and Deputy Head, Ian Harris' immediate impression was
that the environment and culture were more akin to that of a hospital
where care came first rather than a school where care was given to ensure that
teaching could occur.
"Environment and culture was more akin to that of a hospital" Could have been worse... It could have been like a Prison |
When the KIPP founders were starting out they found it
a challenge to convince parents that their kids would be in good hands with:
Two young teachers...
In a new school... Which was outside of the traditional system
Now that's a tough sell! Not sure that I would have
applied for that job!
When all other presentation content and styles failed the KIPP founders went for a more direct approach: Desperate, passionate... and brutally honest. Their opening statement was:
"80% of the kids
in this area will be in jail by the time they are 21...
We want to make that 80% of kids graduate from college when they are 21!"
We want to make that 80% of kids graduate from college when they are 21!"
So the outcomes for the kids at Oliver's school could
have been worse! Nevertheless, a lot more education was now going on and, as a
result of Oliver's professional development initiatives, the level of teaching
Through self learning and sourcing his own PD he went
from "Popular... but 'a bit rubbish" to "Extremely well
respected... and exceptional" not just as an educator but as a change
agent and mentor.
Oliver's learning and unorthodox approach to PD was
soon applied to his staff in his new role as Head Teacher.
A Hire Learning...
A few months before starting at the school Oliver saw
an enterprising young teacher do some incredible things with students with
learning difficulties.
This was Oliver’s first hire at his new school: Ian
Harris, his future HOW2 business partner. A special partnership had begun. The
changes were as immediate and significant as they were unorthodox. This
included Professional Development.
...But Low Expectations?
Just like the opening session of HOW2's
strategy meeting,
any time the topic of teacher assessment came up at the school, Oliver and
Ian made sure staff knew who's side they were on, and left their colleagues in
no doubt what the purpose of the assessment was for.
“Assessing the teachers at the school when we started
would have been like telling a fireman to go out and put out a fire without a
There was no curriculum, no training, no resources and
no support, and our staff didn’t deserve that! So we put the right
infrastructure and the right culture in place BEFORE we assessed any staff"
I've never taught but, from what I understand about
teacher assessments and the culture at many schools, this sounds like some
radical stuff! Quite the departure from the culture of associating assessments
with Ofsted who, at best plays the role of "Big brother is watching;"
at worst "The bogyman of education"
I imagine that the fight with the authorities
regarding any conversations between Ofsted and Local Authority bureaucrats etc,
these conversations might even have been as challenging as it was for KIPP to
get all stakeholders (Superintendents, schools, parents, etc.) to give them the
space, permission and paperwork they needed to establish their first class.
A Lasting Legacy
Through his meticulous research Oliver understood that
in order to make lasting changes at a school takes 10 years, he worked there
for 11 and, in grand "Good to Great" style, he made sure that the
right succession preparation and the relevant staff training (obviously) had
been done.
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HOW2 Mapping their way to "Product Market Fit" |
HOW2 Quantify Clarity in Teaching Practice
In the US a lot of
startups have core values that help inform the actions of the organisation. I'm
not sure if HOW2 go in for "core values" or "mission statements."
If they did I would imagine that they would include concepts and frameworks
built around;
- For
the sake of the Kids
- Clarity
- Rigour & Due Diligence
For the Sake of the Kids... No Excuses!
During my visit Oliver used one of Helen Timperley's
comments/quotes a number of times: "Driven by student need." Sounds
obvious, but I have been at education meetings, workshops and conferences and
noticed that the word learner/student was hardly used during the event.
I'm sure you can imagine the kind of resistance a new
Head Teacher might get when they take over a school at the best of times, but
when this is a former hippy and the previous Head had been in charge for 30
years... it can take the resistance up a notch. Oliver and Ian's battle cry
would become;
"For the sake of the kids, if it's an idea that
has the potential to benefit the kids... we'll explore it"
Some of Ian's stories about the number of reasons and the ridiculousness of the arguments for maintaining the status quo were hilarious.
This reminded me of KIPP because of the many hilarious
excuses that people make when it comes to why people from low income areas
can't perform at a high level. While the excuses may be funny, the impact this
has on our young people can be tragic!
The repetition of HOW2's battle cry reminded me of one
of my favourite KIPP videos. I imagine that the walls of their schools are full
of positive affirmations like this:
"For the Sake of the Kids" HOW2 Founders achievements reminded me of my faviiourite KIPP video |
There are a number of ways that clarity seems relevant
to the HOW2 Founders mission and brand.
First, there is clarity regarding what works and what
doesn't. Oliver has studied education from every angle, this has produced a
clarity of thought, he seems to intuitively know what's needed. Here are two
clarity gems from him;
"There's one
thing that teachers value and it's the advice of their colleagues"
"Educators who teach the same students and share techniques they use in class is invaluable"
Secondly, there is gaining clarity with what the
speaker is saying and clarifying that the listener has understood. Through
working at the special school Oliver and Ian found that visual aids were used a
lot, and if a student didn't understand a concept, the task was broken down
For example, if a student was not able to tie their
shoes in 4-5 steps, it was broken down into more and more steps until they did
get it.
Clarity of Action: Professional Conversations
Oliver's analytical mind commitment to excellence when
it comes to educators PD is obvious. Nowhere is this more apparent than when he
speaks about the work he has done around applying the "Theory of
Action" to HOW2;
"It facilitates better teaching conversations, the
granular nature of the questioning was impressive and you could see the thought
process on how and why teachers used a certain technique.
It also give teachers the permission to make mistakes
and try again in a supportive way… not in the usual blame culture that
education seems to be caught up in around making mistakes.
It’s about decision making and there’s no way to get inside
a teachers head to find out how they go about making decisions. Check out HOW2s
flow chart for facilitating “Better teaching conversations” using this theory
of action;
is quantifiable and it's iterative, you can test, reflect, adapt and test
You decide the learning that you want students to
achieve… then get the HOW2 you need to use to teach it”
Great Teaching… And More of it!
Listening to the achievements of these startup
founders is a lesson in "HOW2" put into practice elements from some
of the books I've read, like:
- Jim
Collins Level 5 Leaders
- Dave
Logans' Stage 5 Teams
- Marcus
Bukinghams Rule Breakers
- Bo
Burlingham's "Small Giants,"
- Bill
Aulet's "Disciplined Entrepreneurship"
As well as a few others, but the most accurate
comparison that I would make... happens to also be one of the biggest
compliments could pay anyone working in education.
This post has referenced a few of my favourite
education videos above including:
1) "KIPP Bay Area" because it shows what is
possible when we focus on the concept of "For the Sake of the
2) Three Technologies that Could Change Learning
because this shows that educators and policy makers can get it wrong, just like
EdTech startups products can go wrong... but sometimes technology companies and
startups can get it 'more right' than policy makers do too!
Mike Feinberg gave a talk on the role that the best
technology plays in the classroom at the 2013 ASU/GSV Summit. Here's what he
told the young go-getting startups:
teaching and more of it, that's what great EdTech does."
He went on
to elaborate on this, tools that either:
1) Reduce admin functions so educators can spend more time teaching, or
2) Allow
educators to teach for longer by enabling students to learn outside the
"If you had the choice of a master craftsman or on educator who taught in a bare room OR a mediocre teacher who had all the gadgets and gizmos... Which class would you want your kids to go to?"
It is my belief that the experiences, culture and
knowledge that HOW2 has built up in the classroom AS WELL AS the way the startup has
"Pivoted" (from writing PD books and providing training to visual
guides) and have collaborated and co-created with the early users to ensure
that they have achieved "Product Market Fit" over the last 3 years that
they now have a service that will meet with Mr Feinberg’s approval. But as the
saying goes... "The Proof is in the Pudding"