Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Business Development Ideas for Further Education

With income generation being a topical subject for Further Education at the moment the latest report in our series based on communications in Further Education focuses on Business Development Ideas for the sector.

This report takes a look at companies like Google, You Tube, Nike, Apple, Starbucks, Microsoft, Groupon, Amazon and others to explore some of the practices that they are employing to facilitate growth under the current tough economic conditions. We take a look at some of the underlying principles that enable such growth and suggest ways that FE might be able to adapt these methods for their own business development plans.

We are delighted to be collaborating with Hubspot on this report. Hubspot are one of fastest growing companies in the US, having grown 6,000% since 2007 with their marketing software system. Hubspot’s CEO, Brian Halligan, is also the author of “Inbound Marketing”.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Tech Story - What FE can learn from Pixar’s Toy Story

Using characters from Pixar's Toy Story, this article takes a light-hearted look at some of the organisational & cultural considerations that FE Colleges face when making decisions regarding new technology.